Feel free to experiment with different firmware versions! You can safely flash any Voyager firmware on
any Voyager model to experience different calculator functionalities.
The tool is designed to be safe - there is no way to permanently damage ("brick") your calculator
using this tool.
Connect your calculator to your computer via USB
Click "Connect" in the left navigation menu
Once connected, you can use either the Firmware or Console features
Firmware Update
Switch to the Firmware tab
Choose one of the following options:
Select a firmware version from the dropdown list
Click "Select local hex-file" to upload your own firmware file
Select the desired baud rate (default: 115200)
Enable Bootloader mode on your calculator (see User Manual) or press the reset button
Click "Flash" to update the firmware
Optionally check "Set RTC after flashing" to automatically set the calculator's time after flashing
Calculator Console
Switch to the Console tab
Enable Serial Console Mode on your calculator (see User Manual)
Available functions:
Read Memory: Save the current calculator memory content
Write Memory: Restore previously saved memory content to the calculator
Get Time: Read current calculator time and show offset compared to your
computer's time
Set Time: Update calculator's date and time to match your computer
Read Battery: Check the calculator's battery voltage
Decode: Convert memory dump to human-readable program instructions
Encode: Convert program instructions back to memory format
Program Editor features:
Decoded Program: Left pane where you can view and edit calculator programs in
human-readable format
Code Dump: Right pane showing the raw memory representation of your program
Model Selection: Use the dropdown above the Decoded Program to select your
calculator model for correct instruction decoding
Upload/Download: Use these buttons to save or load program files to/from your
Typical workflow:
Read Memory from calculator to get current programs, which also selects your calculator model in
the dropdown
Click Decode to convert memory dump to readable instructions
Edit the program in the Decoded Program pane
Click Encode to convert your changes back to memory format
Write Memory to save changes back to calculator
File Types
The tool supports two file formats for uploading calculator programs:
.txt files: Standard format used by the tool
First line must contain the calculator model (e.g., "DM15_M1B")
Following lines contain program instructions in format: "linenum instruction | opcodes"
Example: "001 LBL A | 42,21,11"
.15c files: HP-15C program format
Lines start with line numbers and contain instructions in curly braces
Format: "nnn { opcodes } [f/g] instruction"
Example: "001 { 42 21 11 } f LBL A"
Lines starting with # are treated as comments
Automatically sets calculator model to DM15_M1B
Programs can be uploaded using:
The "Upload" button in the Console tab
Drag and drop onto the Code Dump area
Programs can be downloaded as .txt files using the "Download" button
Make sure you're using a supported browser (Chrome, Edge, or Opera) with WebSerial support. See a list
of supported browsers
Check USB connection if the tool fails to detect your calculator
For firmware updates, ensure your calculator is in bootloader mode
For console operations, ensure Serial Console Mode is active on your calculator
Monitor the Diagnostic messages section for detailed status and error information
Please let us know if you encounter "NaN" errors during program encoding/decoding and send us the file