I. Intro, navigation instructions, etc.

II. DM41X Unique Features (Notes from 41X User Manual)

A. LCD Views and [DSP] Control | lcd_viewa

B. [CST] Menu use and Setup | cstm

C. Help Access | help_access

D. ROM MAP | rom_map

E. Load/Save State | state_files

F. Load/Save RAW files | raw_files

G. USB Disk mode access | usb_disk

H. Flags | flags

I. Screen shots | scrshots

J. OFF Screen Images | off_images

K. New Built-in Functions | new_fns

System Control and Misc


Sets SLOW mode for compatibility with legacy Modules


Restores FAST mode


Fills the stack with the value in X


Exchanges the contents of IND X and IND Y


Time-Based (True) Random Number Generator


Turns Local KA (Key Assignments) off, i.e. those assigned to the two top rows


Turns Local KA (Key Assignments) back on

Alpha Functions


ALPHA Back Space. Deletes the rightmost char in ALPHA


Appends integer value from Reg X to ALPHA (includes sign)


Swaps ALPHA strings around the comma characters, i.e. A,B changes to B,A


Clears ALPHA after the comma character, i.e. A,B changes to A,

Extended Memory Functions:


Clears all Extended Memory


Enhanced ASCII File Editor with support for lower-case and special characters. The operation is controlled by the status of the ALPHA annunciator. ALPHA On is the standard mode, selected when you first enter the editor. Switch ALPHA OFF to access non-keyable characters in the standard mode. Use the shifted keys to access the lower-case characters and the un-shifted keys to access the special characters.


Copies the content of a file into another. Both files must exist and be of the same type. The destination file should be of equal size or larger than the source file.


Returns to X the address (in decimal) of the File Header. Stack lifts if CPU F11 is set


Returns to X the type of the file, ie. 1 for program, 2 for Data, etc. Stack lifts if CPU F11 is set


Renames an X-Mem file. Alpha contains OLDNAME,NEWNAME


Re-types an X-Mem file. X has the new type value (1 to 15)


Appends the name of the current ("Working") X-Mem file to ALPHA.

L. Modules | modules

Supported format | mod_format

How to add and use modules | mod_use

 (high-level explanation of 3-step process)
==== Printer module | mod_print
 (82143-based with IL controls)
==== Import modules to Flash | mod_flash
 (need not include in-depth about all functions)
==== Activating modules from Flash | mod_am
==== Module load order | mod_order
==== Module RAM | mod_ram
 (point to UM)

M. Menu summary | menus

Main Setup Menu

1. File menu | file_menu

2. Module menu | module_menu

3. Settings menu | settings_menu

4. System menu | system_menu

5. About > Displays About screen

File menu | file_menu

1. Load DM41 State File > # Loads the .d41 state files

2. Save DM41 State File > # Saves calculator’s state to a .d41 state file

3. Load RAW Program > # Loads the .raw program file

4. Save RAW Program > # Saves program to .raw file

5. Activate USB Disk # Used to copy files from/to a host computer

6. Show Disk Info # Displays disk status and disk block info

Module menu | module_menu

1. Active Modules (AM) # Screen for management of active modules

2. Manage Modules in Flash # Allows to add/remove modules to/from this area and display information about modules

3. Module ROM Map # ROM map shows ROM placement in pages and banks

4. Load Modules | loadmod_menu

5. Save Modules | savemod_menu

6. Load RAM Pages > # Fills RAM Area from the file

7. Save RAM Pages > # Saves RAM Area into the file.

Load Modules

1. Load AM List # Loads Active Modules from the .m41 file

2. Load Flash and AM Lists # Loads both AM list and .mod files into the Flash according to the .m41 file list

3. Load Flash, clear AM List # Loads only .mod files into the Flash according to the .m41 file list

Save Modules

1. Save AM List only # Saves Active Modules list into the .m41 file

2. Save Flash and AM Lists # Saves both Active Modules list and list of .mod files loaded into Flash to the .m41 file

Settings menu | settings_menu

1. Set Time > # Sets time and time format

2. Set Date > # Sets date and date format

3. Slow Auto-repeat # Allows to lower key repeat rate

4. Printer Line Delay # Sets IR printer line delay

5. Create Full Backup # Complete calculator’s backup

6. Restore from Backup # Restore from complete backup

7. Export Settings to 'param.cfg' # Writes Persistent Configuration Settings to the /param.cfg file

8. Reset settings to defaults # Resets Persistent Configuration Settings to defaults.

System menu | system_menu

1. Flash firmware from FAT # Starts flashing the firmware file from root directory of FAT disk

2. Bootloader # Activates bootloader mode for firmware flashing

3. Program Info # Displays information about currently loaded DM41X

4. Reset to DMCP menu # Reboots calculator to DMCP system menu

5. Format FAT Disk > # Format the internal FAT disk storage

6. FAT Disk Media Test > # Checks whole flash disk FAT area for bad blocks (disk is erased)

7. Power OFF mode # Don’t touch this, only for OFF current diagnosing

8. Self Test # Opens self test menu

III. Key 41C Family Reference Topics

A. ISG / DSE Format | 41c_isg_dse

B. Date Formats (MDY, DMY, YMD) | 41c_date

C. Time Formats (always 24H for input) | 41c_time

D. Alarm formats (message, control, conditional) | 41c_alarm

Z - Alarm Repeat Interval | alm_rep

Y - Alarm Date | alm_date

X - Alarm Time | alm_time

ALPHA - Blank, Message, Label or Function | alm_alpha

E. Others…​? | 41c_others