ABS | | Absolute value |
ACOS | | Arc cosine |
ACOSH | | Arc hyperbolic cosine |
ADV | | Advance paper |
AGRAPH | Alpha graphics |
AIP | | Alpha integer part |
ALENG | | Alpha length |
ALL | | All display format |
ALLΣ | | ALLΣ mode (13 sum regs) |
AND | | Logical AND |
AOFF | | Alpha off |
AON | | Alpha on |
ARCL | | Alpha recall |
AROT | | Alpha rotate |
ASHF | | Alpha shift |
ASIN | | Arc sine |
ASINH | | Arc hyperbolic sine |
ASSIGN | Assign CUSTOM menu key |
ASTO | | Alpha store |
ATAN | | Arc tangent |
ATANH | Arc hyperbolic tangent |
ATOX | | Alpha to X |
AVIEW | | Alpha view |
BASE+ | | Base add |
BASE- | | Base subtract |
BASE× | | Base multiply |
BASE÷ | | Base divide |
BASE+/- | Base change sign (2’s compl.) |
BEEP | | Beep |
BEST | | Best fit model |
BINM | | Binary mode |
BIT? | | Bit test (x-th bit of y) |
BST | | Back step |
CF | | | Clear flag |
CLA | | Clear alpha register |
CLALL | | Clear all memory |
CLD | | Clear display |
CLKEYS | Clear CUSTOM menu keys |
CLLCD | | Clear LCD |
CLMENU | Clear programmable menu |
CLP | | Clear program |
CLRG | | Clear registers |
CLST | | Clear stack |
CLV | | Clear variable |
CLX | | Clear X-register |
CLΣ | | Clear summation registers |
COMB | | Combinations |
COMPLEX | Complex |
CORR | | Correlation |
COS | | Cosine |
COSH | | Hyperbolic cosine |
CPXRES | Complex-result enable |
CPX? | | Complex test |
CROSS | Cross product |
DECM | | Decimal mode |
DEG | | Degrees mode |
DEL | | Delete program lines |
DELAY | Printer delay time |
DELR | | Delete matrix row |
DET | | Determinant |
DIM | | Dimension matrix |
DIM? | | Dimensions of matrix in X |
DOT | | Dot product |
DSE | | Decrement, skip if ≤ zero |
EDIT | | Edit matrix in X-register |
EDITN | | Edit named matrix |
END | | End of a program |
ENG | | Engineering display format |
ENTER | Enter |
EXITALL | Exit all menus |
EXPF | | Curve-fitting model: exp. |
E↑X | | Natural exponential |
E↑X-1 | | Nat. exp values near zero |
FCSTX | Forecast x given y (stat) |
FCSTY | Forecast y given x (stat) |
FIX | | Fixed dec. display format |
FRNM | | Frobenius norm of X matrix |
FP | | | Return fractional part |
GAMMA | | Gamma function |
GETKEY | Put next key number to X-reg |
GETM | | Get matrix |
GRAD | | Grads angular mode |
GROW | | Grow mode (matrix edition) |
GOTO | | Go to label |
HEXM | | Hexadecimal mode |
HMS+ | | Add x and y using H.MMSSss |
HMS- | | Subtract x from y H.MMSSss |
I+ | | | Inc. row pointer (matrix) |
I- | | | Dec. row pointer (matrix) |
INDEX | | Index matrix |
INPUT | | User input (prog. only) |
INSR | | Insert row (matrix edition) |
INTEG | | Integrate |
INVRT | Invert matrix in X-register |
IP | | | Return integer part |
ISG | | Increment, skip if greater |
J+ | | | Inc. column pointer (matrix) |
J- | | | Dec. column pointer (matrix) |
KEYASN | Key-assignments mode |
KEYG | | On key, go to |
KEYX | | On key, execute |
LASTX | Last x |
LBL | | Label |
LCLBL | | Local label mode |
LINF | | Linear fit model |
LINE | | Linear mode (six sum regs) |
LIST | | List program lines |
LN | | | Natural logarithm |
LN1+X | | Nat log for values near zero |
LOG | | Common logarithm |
LOGF | | Logarithmic fit |
MAN | | Manual printing |
MAT? | | Matrix test |
MEAN | | Arithmetic mean (average) |
MENU | | Programmable MENU |
MOD | | Modulo |
MVAR | | Menu variable |
N! | | | Factorial |
NEWMAT | New matrix |
NORM | | Normal printing |
NOT | | Logical NOT |
OCTM | | Octal mode |
OFF | | Off |
OLD | | Old element value |
ON | | | Continuous on |
OR | | | Logical OR |
PERM | | Permutations |
PGMINT | Program to integrate |
PGMSLV | Program to solve |
PI | | | pi |
PIXEL | | Pixel on |
POLAR | Polar mode |
POSA | | Position in alpha |
PRA | | Print alpha |
PRLCD | Print LCD |
PROFF | Printing off |
PROMPT | Prompt |
PRON | | Printing on |
PR? | | Print program |
PRSTK | Print stack |
PRUSR | Print user vars and labels |
PRV | | Print variable |
PRX | | Print X-register |
PR2 | | Print summation registers |
PSE | | Pause |
PUTM | | Put matrix |
PWRF | | Power fit |
QUIET | | Quiet mode |
RAD | | Radians mode |
RAN | | Random number |
RCL | | Recall |
RCL+ | | Recall add |
RCL- | | Recall subtract |
RCL× | | Recall multiply |
RCL÷ | | Recall divide |
RCLEL | Recall element |
RCLIJ | | Recall IJ pointers |
RDX, | | Radix comma |
RDX. | | Radix period |
REALRES | Real-results only |
REAL? | | Real test |
RECT | | Rectangular mode |
RND | | Round |
RNRM | | Row norm |
ROTXY | Rotate y by x bits |
RSUM | | Row sum |
RTN | | Return |
R<>R | | Row swap row |
R↑ | | | Roll up |
R↓ | | | Roll down |
SCI | | Scientific notation |
SDEV | | Standard deviation |
SEED | | Seed (for RAN) |
SF | | | Set flag |
SIGN | | Sign |
SIN | | Sine |
SINH | | Hyperbolic sine |
SIZE | | Size of REGS |
SLOPE | | Slope |
SOLVE | | Solve for variable |
SQRT | | Square root |
SST | | Single step |
STO | | Store |
STO+ | | Store add |
STO- | | Store subtract |
STO× | | Store multiply |
STO÷ | | Store divide |
STOEL | Store element |
STOIJ | | Store IJ pointers |
STOP | | Stop program |
STR? | | String test |
SUM | | Recall Σx and Σy |
TAN | | Tangent |
TANH | | Hyperbolic tangent |
TONE | | Tone (0-9) |
TRACE | Trace printing |
TRANS | Transpose matrix |
UVEC | | Unit vector |
VARMENU | Variable menu |
VIEW | | View |
WMEAN | Weighted mean |
WRAP | | Wrap mode |
X<> | | x exchange |
X<>Y | | x exchange y |
XEQ | | Execute |
XOR | | Exclusive OR |
XTOA | | X to alpha |
X2 | | | Square, x2 |
YINT | | Y-intercept |
YX | | | Power, yx |
1/X | | Reciprocal |
10X | | Common exponential, 10x |
+ | | | Add |
- | | | Subtract |
× | | | Multiply |
÷ | | | Divide |
+/- | | Change sign |
Σ+ | | | Summation plus |
Σ- | | | Summation minus |
ΣREG | | Set loc. of 1. sum reg |
ΣREG? | | Recall loc. of 1. sum reg |
→DEC | | To decimal |
→DEG | | To degrees |
→HMS | | To hours-minutes-seconds |
→HR | | To decimal hours |
→OCT | | To octal |
→POL | | To polar |
→RAD | | To radians |
→REC | | To rectangular |
← | | | Index pointers left |
↑ | | | Index pointers up |
↓ | | | Index pointers down |
→ | | | Index pointers right |
% | | | Percent |
%CH | | Percent change |
ADATE | Append date from X to alpha |
ATIME | | Append time from X to alpha |
AT24 | | Append 24h time from X to a. |
CL12 | | Set 12h time format AM/PM |
CL24 | | Set 24h time format |
DATE | | Put date to X register |
DATE+ | Add dates in X and Y regs |
DDAYS | Delta days of X and Y regs |
DMY | | Set date format to DMY |
DOW | | Day of Week of date in X reg |
MDY | | Set date format to MDY |
TIME | | Put time to X register |